WordPress support staff

Do you sometimes need help with small changes or want a consultation? Hire a digihaavin workforce for your business!

What kind of help do you need?

Junior (80€ / hour)*
Developer (120 € / hour)*
Full-Stack Developer (150€ / hour)

What can we do?

Site design
Site development
Site editing
Customer experiences

What do they say about us?

Mikko Lehikoinen
Mikko Lehikoinen
A big thank you to the guys at haav. Mesut.fi got a really cool new look. It was easy to cooperate even though I didn't have any computer skills 😁
Maria Puro
Maria Puro
Working with Kristian was very smooth, straightforward and flexible. Kristian is professional and just the best! I learned a lot during the www.sieluisa.fi project and got a lot of good tips for the future. We will definitely work together in the future!
Piia Toivola
Piia Toivola
www.cafekristiina.fi is a theatre restaurant delicatessen run by Kristian. Kristian is an enthusiastic and energetic creator and entrepreneur with a friendly and collaborative partnership🤓 I chose him so why shouldn't you choose Kristian too👍 A strong recommendation👌
Jerkko Eskelinen
Jerkko Eskelinen
Implemented two sites and I can definitely recommend! Competent and flexible work!
Mia Pirttilä
Mia Pirttilä
Before you could say cat, we had a website up and running! Easy to use and good user guidance. We also got some good ideas for future developments! My warmest recommendations 😍 www.padelvihti.fi
Raija Säteri
Raija Säteri
A professional designer who makes a good-looking website and online shop. Fast and to the point. Keeps the client informed about the progress of the project. Finally, I received written instructions on how to use and update the site and store, and support even after the site was completed. I am very satisfied. www.valkosuklaa.fi.
Paula Rissanen
Paula Rissanen
I received a very flexible service regardless of the day of the week and time of day. The January-February project was www.kotoisakauppa.fi - an online shop for domestic pet products.
Tero Kämppi
Tero Kämppi
www.proenco.fi / www.klapitec.fi Iron-rich expertise and a very good quality of work. I recommend. 😎
Jenni Parvinen
Jenni Parvinen
I am very happy with our January 2020 website project💯 I didn't even have a vision at the beginning. With natural collaboration, without face-to-face meetings, the website was quickly up and running with the online shop. The end result is beautiful. And most importantly, the instructions for editing are there and customer service is still fast🤩.
Juho Rautio
Juho Rautio
Without Haav, my company's website and online shop would still be a dream. The project went really well and smoothly, and Kristian's professionalism came to the fore on many occasions when I was struggling to get things moving and had zero experience of such things. All in all, a great project and now we have a nice and functional website, which I also have instructions for maintaining, but the most important thing is that Haavi will continue to help us with this too 👍 I can recommend him to everyone who needs a partner in these matters!

Book an appointment for a free survey or send an email!

Myynti: kristian@digihaavi.fi